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    Děkujeme za pochopení, tým správců MazdaKlanu

diesel Chybový kód P032F

Řekl bych že problém bude ta diagnostika Bosch. Stáhni si ForScan. Ale zítra až budu u pracovního PC, tak můžu kouknout jestli to není nějaký tajný kód, že třeba chybí převaděč spojitosti.
Muže mi někdo poradit co to ku… znamená p032f ?????
Zobrazit přílohu 53398
Celý název je "Temporary decrease in torque generated by engine is detected and fail-safe operation record is retained"

DTC P032F:00​
Temporary decrease in torque generated by engine is detected and fail-safe operation record is retained​
• Fluctuations in intake airflow rate and engine speed exceeds specified value​
• Perform the following controls for a maximum of 10 s to adjust the engine condition: ― Inhibit engine-stop by i-stop control. ― Increase the engine speed when the engine is switched from the deceleration fuel cut condition to the idling fuel injection condition. ― Open the intake shutter valve and assure compression pressure. ― Cut the electrical load of the A/C under specific conditions. ― Control the electrical load of the generator under specific conditions. ― Increase the idle speed. (P/N: 880 rpm)​
Note • This DTC is for when the PCM detects a decrease in the compression pressure of each cylinder and retains the operation record of the fail-safe. • If any other DTC is stored, repair the malfunctioning location according to the applicable DTC troubleshooting. • If the engine malfunction continues to occur, perform an inspection following the symptom troubleshooting procedure. ― If no engine malfunction is occurring, clear this DTC and complete the troubleshooting.​
Not applicable​
Poslední úprava:
Celý název je "Temporary decrease in torque generated by engine is detected and fail-safe operation record is retained"

DTC P032F:00​
Temporary decrease in torque generated by engine is detected and fail-safe operation record is retained​
• Fluctuations in intake airflow rate and engine speed exceeds specified value​
• Perform the following controls for a maximum of 10 s to adjust the engine condition: ― Inhibit engine-stop by i-stop control. ― Increase the engine speed when the engine is switched from the deceleration fuel cut condition to the idling fuel injection condition. ― Open the intake shutter valve and assure compression pressure. ― Cut the electrical load of the A/C under specific conditions. ― Control the electrical load of the generator under specific conditions. ― Increase the idle speed. (P/N: 880 rpm)​
Note • This DTC is for when the PCM detects a decrease in the compression pressure of each cylinder and retains the operation record of the fail-safe. • If any other DTC is stored, repair the malfunctioning location according to the applicable DTC troubleshooting. • If the engine malfunction continues to occur, perform an inspection following the symptom troubleshooting procedure. ― If no engine malfunction is occurring, clear this DTC and complete the troubleshooting.​
Not applicable​
OK díky. To by mohlo být těsnění pod vstřikem možná ne?
Třeba tam ty vstřiky fakt nadskakují. Očekoval bych ty podložky, jestli nejsou vymačkané.
Bylo to nox senzorem
Tak už aj mne vyskočil chybovy kod na nox senzor - P20EE . Cely cas co som jazdil tak chyba ohladom NoX nevyskocila až teraz, cca 1400km som nabehal na nej. Vždy len tak raz za týžden vyskočila chyba P032F. Najlepšie ze teraz nemám chybu P032F ale už iba s NoX. Pomohla vymena nox senzora? Aka bola cena za senzor? Podlozky som zatial nemenil.

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