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    Děkujeme za pochopení, tým správců MazdaKlanu

benzín Skyactiv-G cvakání na volnoběh z oblasti rozvodů nebo odspodu u spolujezdce

  • Vlákno založil Vlákno založil NaF
  • Datum založení Datum založení
Tak to zkus řešit. Info je takový, že někomu to dělá i po výměně polomotoru, ale zatím nikdo neřešil to, že se motor díky "cvakání" nějak pokazil. Je dosti aut s vysokými nájezdy a cvakáním od novoty a zatím bez problémů...

Aha :O. No tady jsem dostal zpětnou vazbu, že po výměně už žádné klepání není. A přeci kdyby to nebylo špatně, tak by nezkoušeli měnit tak velkou část motoru kvůli "cvakání".
To je ono, já si právě říkal - přeci by jen tak ze srandy neměnili něco za 100 tisíc - jen abych měl lepší pocit, že to necvaká.
Na jednu stranu fajn, že s tím mají někteří již statisíce najetých km, na druhou stranu, když ta možnost je.... proč to nevyměnit.

Nová nahrávka - za mne - máš to tam. Ten zvuk je stejný
Poslední úprava:
Good morning everyone, Mazda 3 Skyactive G 122 December 2019, I started to hear the "click" at idle 500 rpm three months before the warranty expired, went to the dealership also they replaced the engine block, soon after I did not hear any more noise but after about 8000 KM the noise, although in a smaller percentage of "volume" has reappeared, I ask those who had the engine block replacement if the same happens to you.
Thank you and best regards.
Poslední úprava moderátorem:
Buongiorno a tutti, Mazda 3 Skyactive G 122 December 2019, ho cominciato a sentire il "click" al minimo 500 giri a tre mesi prima della scadenza garanzia, recato in concessionaria anche a me hanno sostituito il blocco motore, subito dopo non ho sentito più nessun rumore ma a distanza di circa 8000 KM il rumore, sebbene in percentuale di "volume" minore si è ripresentato, chiedo a chi ha avuto la sostituzione del blocco motore se anche a voi succede lo stesso.
Grazie e cordiali saluti.
We apologize for the bad translation (Google), but you would do better to write in English. As far as I know, people who have had the engine block replaced have had no further problems.
Poslední úprava moderátorem:
Good morning everyone, Mazda 3 Skyactive G 122 December 2019, I started to hear the "click" at idle 500 rpm three months before the warranty expired, went to the dealership also they replaced the engine block, soon after I did not hear any more noise but after about 8000 KM the noise, although in a smaller percentage of "volume" has reappeared, I ask those who had the engine block replacement if the same happens to you.
Thank you and best regards.
At least member @MK-M3 reports nothing and it's been a while.
Good morning everyone, Mazda 3 Skyactive G 122 December 2019, I started to hear the "click" at idle 500 rpm three months before the warranty expired, went to the dealership also they replaced the engine block, soon after I did not hear any more noise but after about 8000 KM the noise, although in a smaller percentage of "volume" has reappeared, I ask those who had the engine block replacement if the same happens to you.
Thank you and best regards.

My Mazda has the same problem, yet no repairs done. My warranty ends this year and I have this on my "must" to have it replaced before the warranty ends. I chatted with 2 people having the engine blocked replaced and by that time they had almost an additional 20k km and no issue.

I have heard this sound since 9k and now I have 21k :D, one dealership told me it's no issue, and claimed it is "electric ventil". but people get their engine blocked and replaced in different dealerships? I am pretty sure they wanted to get rid of me.