Hello, I am the new owner of a Cx-30 g122 Plus Automatic from Prague. Unfortunately, I don't speak Czech, Google Translate helps me. So please excuse me if there are any mistakes.
As for the oil change, my car is currently at 2000km. I want my first oil and oil filter change. I contacted both Autopalace Spořilov and Louda Auto Praha. I got different prizes. But they both said something in common; you cannot bring your own oil. I would appreciate hearing any advice.
@Mirda2006 Sporilov told me around 4800 CZK; Mazda Ultra 5w30 4.2 liter, oil filter, canister. I see they also added brake cleaner and paste (don't know why). So I'm surprised why they told me I couldn't bring my own oil.
There's always an option to just go to some un-authorized yet well-regarded independent car service and ask for an additional oil change there. If you bring (or if they order for you) the original Mazda filter and oil drain plug screw, nobody will be able to tell whether you've changed the oil or not, with no effect on warranty. And you can save a lot — I just did a similar change on a new Citroen, where I ordered genuine Citroen parts and OEM oil (Total Quartz INEO First 0W-30, from authorized Total dealership to not risk getting some re-labeled product), and it has cost me 2600 CZK work included, instead of approx. 4500 CZK in a dealership. On recent Mazdas the access to the oil filter and drain plug is very easy, it's just behind a small cover from the bottom of the vehicle; every well regarded car service should be able to do it easily.
When I asked both Mazda (few years ago) and Citroen (this year) dealerships what's the process in case of engine failure and warranty claim, they've both said the same: If oil is suspected reason for the failure, an oil sample from the damaged engine is sent to a lab and its parameters are checked, whether it it passes the manufacturer's requirements at a given wear point. So basically they've told me that if I individually change the oil and its parameters and wear are the same or better as for the OEM oil, I'm good. But of course, they've mentioned that for the peace of mind they don't recommend it... they've specifically warned me against being cheated by a car service that might put something shitty and cheap inside the car to make a bigger profit, or not change the oil at all and just grab my money — but in my case, I won't ever let someone unknown to change my oil without me seeing the process and bringing the oil and filter myself (so I know precisely what gets in, and that it has been drained and filled properly).
Regarding the official price, I believe 4800 CZK is a bit too much on the expensive side for a petrol-powered Mazda. On my recent Mazdas, '19 6 and 19' CX-5, both petrol, I usually paid around 5000 CZK for the entire yearly check that includes oils, filters, etc. If I remember correctly, the price for the oil change within that entire invoice is something around 3500 CZK. For the Citroen, as I mentioned above, it's a bit more at the dealership, because it's diesel engine with larger oil amount, and higher-spec oil (just to explain why I'd consider 4500 CZK as passable price for authorised oil change for that engine).
It might help cross-compare the prices across multiple dealerships; just write one of them about the quote the other ones sent you, and wait if they would respond with a better offer. I do that typically with some accessories, I just write to multiple Prague and nearby dealerships asking for a quote, mentioning I've asked multiple places, and ask for their response. The prices tend to be quite spread, i.e. 800 - 1600 CZK for the same set of car carpets... then driving 15 km to more distant dealership is well worth the difference

. But for the service, I didn't ever feel the need to do the same... but it's always an option.